Do The Opposite Newsletter - #100DaysOfCode is now on Product Hunt!
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for subscribing to the Do the Opposite Newsletter! New exciting projects are ahead and I will share them with you first!
Today, I've launched the #100DaysOfCode Challenge/Community Project on Product Hunt! You can see it here:
If you are interested in learning to code or improving your skills you will find all the info about the challenge and the specific steps to take (as well as what to learn).
I have a small ask: if #100DaysOfCode seems interesting to you and/or it has positively affected your life, consider upvoting it on Product Hunt (using the link above) and if you are feeling extra generous, you can also leave a short review there. Thank you so much in advance - it means a LOT to me! :) Also, if you are on Twitter, please retweet this to help us reach more people and help them learn to code:
I will announce the next project very soon :)
Keep doing the opposite,
Alex Kallaway