Do the Opposite #57 - We Are All Weird, Meditation in Crazy Times, Some Good News, Financial Freedom
Good News Everyone!
Welcome to the newest issue of the Do the Opposite newsletter, sent every Monday! If you like it, put a ring on it! Just kidding -> please forward this email to your friends or share this link with them: ― this helps the newsletter grow!
If you want to share any resources, articles, books or anything else with the community, please reply to this email with your recommendations!
We Are All Weird And Why That's Awesome
I've just finished this awesome little book (pictured below) by one of my favourite authors and world's top marketing minds - Seth Godin. The book's idea is simple: The Mass as we know it is going away, and there are now only tribes of people formed around specific interests. The best example of that is Reddit with its subreddits, each subreddit is one tribe. Marketers used to be able to target the average, normal customer through standard channels like TV and Radio, but they can't anymore because we don't all go to the same place for entertainment, we don't all buy average products and we don't live normal lifestyles.
We go for the weird. A community of people interested in mechanical keyboards of which they buy parts online, then assemble the chassis, the board, the switches and the cord. YouTube channel that only posts video reviews of one day worth of food rations from various countries' armies (it's a real thing that I saw and was very weirded out :). Online courses on how to make various kinds of bread. There are tons of examples.
The best part is that we can use it! We can lean in towards our weirdness, learn more about these topics and create communities, products, blogs, businesses around that area of interest. The weirder the better. Do the Opposite follows that in that we are a community of people who are interested in self-improvement and positive counter-culture (doing things the opposite way the majority of people are doing them when it makes more sense that way).
Think about the subjects and topics you are interested in that a lot of others find weird! Maybe there is a way you can build a product or a community around that interest!
P.S. If someone calls you weird, it's a compliment! :)
Personal Update
These days I am working on the Zerno app every day to make sure I release it according to the timeline I've set out (June or so). Join the waiting list to get early access and be notified when the first cohort of users is invited to use the app in beta!
I've also gone for a "buzzcut" haircut recently to make it easier to care for and to clean my hair in the quarantine times. Check out what that looks like :)
1) "The Importance of Meditation in Crazy Times" by Leo Babauta
I've been meditating every day in 2020. Sometimes I think it's the only reason why I haven't yet succumbed to anxiety or mild depression, given the state of affairs in the world today. Leo provides more reasons why meditation is so important today, and I leave you with this link that will help you start your practice. You don't need much time for this. Most of my meditation sessions are 15 minutes. I could do more but then I would fall off the wagon with my habit after a couple of days because life does get in the way.
1) "Financial Freedom: 5 Difficult Steps to Get Out of Debt, Create a Simple Budget, Plan for the Future, and Regain Control of Your Finances" by the Minimalists
Minimalism is one of very few interests you might have that will leave you with more money rather than less. Take almost any hobby and it will leave you paying for classes, books, courses or equipment. When you buy less and need less, suddenly you have all this money that would have previously been spent on things you forgot about a week after you bought them. This money will begin to accumulate and you will be able to get out of debt, start saving and, after some time, no negative event that may happen will interrupt your smooth sailing through life. Quite the opposite, you will be able to enjoy life more and spend your money on things and people you really care about.
3) "Stop Thinking and Start Doing: The Power of Practicing More" by James Clear
James teaches us to stop over-learning and over-thinking when it comes to new skills, and urges us to start doing. All the research shows that we learn better by practicing skills instead of memorizing the theoretical concepts or even practical steps. Nothing beats practice. So if you want to learn to draw, learn how to build apps, learn to play a musical instrument, your mantra should be "practice practice practice". Of course, you must learn some theory and principles to make sure you are not rediscovering the wheel as you progress in your skills, but make it a ratio of 80% practice, 20% theory in that case.
1) Some Good News with John Krasinski
You might have already seen this but it's pretty great! It's SGN - Some Good News - a new show created by John Krasinski (Jim from the Office and Jack Ryan from... well... Jack Ryan). In these tough times it's a ray of light: the purpose of the show (and the SGN network as John calls it) is to share only good news. Enjoy!
2) Have Better Days With Marcus Aurelius' Daily Routine | Ryan Holiday
I enjoy books by Ryan Holiday and was following him way back when he had a couple of guests posts on Tim Ferriss' blog (that's how I found out about it) and he's always been wise, even at a very young age. This video will inspire you to plan your morning and day better, to enjoy and appreciate every day and to live every moment to the fullest.
3) 25 Chemistry Experiments in 15 Minutes | Andrew Szydlo
Andrew will make you feel like you are a child full of wonder again, and will make you regret not choosing chemistry (unless you are a chemist, if so, cheers! :) ) as your main field of study. The video is fun and designed not only to entertain but also to teach you a little bit along the way!
Tweet of the Week
"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."
― Epictetus
"Small-minded people blame others. Average people blame themselves. The wise see all blame as foolishness"
― Epictetus
"What we do now echoes in eternity."
― Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
"Remember that very little is needed to make a happy life."
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
YOUTUBE: There's also a YouTube channel with weekly videos on the same themes that are covered in this newsletter. Subscribe HERE and let the ideas influence you into an improved and happier life!
TELEGRAM: Do the Opposite has a public Telegram channel. The content there is a little different than in the newsletter: faster to consume, a bit more random - basically anything weird or interesting that catches my eye - articles, tweets, videos, images, etc. Hope to see you there as well! :) Here it is:
ZERNO: I am building an app - sign up to get early access!
SHARING IS CARING: If you find this newsletter helpful, please consider forwarding this email to to your friends! Or just give them this link:
Keep doing the opposite,
Alex Kallaway