Do the Opposite #56 - Video Edition: Cognitive Blindspots, Adaptability, Say YES to Your Weirdness, How Bicycles Change You
Good News Everyone!
Welcome to the newest issue of the Do the Opposite newsletter, sent every Monday! If you like it, put a ring on it! Just kidding -> please forward this email to your friends or share this link with them: ― this helps the newsletter grow!
If you want to share any resources, articles, books or anything else with the community, please reply to this email with your recommendations!
Welcome to another video edition! This is the second one so far, and you can check out the first one here. I do these on the weeks when I happen to collect way more good videos than articles. Enjoy!
Quick personal update before we continue:
I'm still going strong with meditating every day - I've started on January 1st this year. This habit has definitely helped stabilize my emotions in these tough times of 2020. If you want to start meditating, I always recommend what helped me: 1) "Wherever You Go, There You Are" - a no nonsense book on how to meditate 2) "Oak" app for meditation. Good luck! If you dare, do the #100DaysOfMeditation challenge!
Very recently I've also made myself a new rule: working on a project (in my case, the Zerno app - get on an invite list!) for one hour a day. I will write more about this change and how it's going in the next edition of the newsletter. :)
1) "The Amazing Way Bicycles Change You" | Anthony Desnick
Bicycles are a way of transportation that makes us healthier and stronger. At the same time, it doesn't poison the environment in almost any way. Anthony shares how he transformed his health and lifestyle by starting to bike.
2) "Why the Majority is Always Wrong" | Paul Rulkens
This is an extremely fun talk to watch. It resonates with the meta themes of this newsletter so much, I won't even write a description for it - just watch and have fun! :)
3) "This is How I Steal a PIN Code" | Timon Krause
I first heard about people using the method Timon uses to steal a PIN code from Richard Feynman's book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!". I don't want to spoil the mystery though and therefore invite you to watch the video and see it for yourself.
4) "The Art of Cognitive Blindspots" | Kyle Eschen
How are magic tricks done? Some of them involve elaborate contraptions that hide their complexity from viewers, deceiving them into believing the side effects that they see. Other tricks are more interesting, as Kyle explains, and these involve using the "cognitive blindspots". Our attention is limited, and even though our eyes and brains perceive the whole picture of what's going on, we can only see and analyze a very limited subset of that. Good magicians and illusionists use that to trick us to focus on the wrong things. Pickpockets work the same way.
5) "What One Skill = an Awesome Life?" | Dr. Shimi Kang
What a great clickbait title. I will spoil the surprise: the skill is adaptability. The reason is because if you learn to adapt to unexpected and random situations, you will thrive in any environment life puts you in.
6) "Saying YES! to your Weirdness" | JP Sears
Embrace your uniqueness. By the fact that you're subscribed to this newsletter I already know you will enjoy this video and its message. Don't allow the world with its expectations to shape you into another "normal" person. Remember that normal people don't usually achieve exceptional results. It's the weirdos that do whatever they dream up in the manner that only they know how that enjoy massive success. Stay weird!
Tweet of the Week
"Don't wait for the right answer and the golden path to present themselves.
This is precisely why you're stuck. Starting without seeing the end is difficult, so we often wait until we see the end, scanning relentlessly for the right way, the best way and the perfect way.
The way to get unstuck is to start down the wrong path, right now.
Step by step, page by page, interaction by interaction. As you start moving, you can't help but improve, can't help but incrementally find yourself getting back toward your north star.
You might not end up with perfect, but it's significantly more valuable than being stuck.
Don't just start. Continue. Ship. Repeat."
― Seth Godin
"You get in life what you have the courage to ask for." ― Oprah Winfrey
"I believe the choice to be excellent begins with aligning your thoughts and words with the intention to require more from yourself."
― Oprah Winfrey
YOUTUBE: There's also a YouTube channel with weekly videos on the same themes that are covered in this newsletter. Subscribe HERE and let the ideas influence you into an improved and happier life!
TELEGRAM: Do the Opposite has a public Telegram channel. The content there is a little different than in the newsletter: faster to consume, a bit more random - basically anything weird or interesting that catches my eye - articles, tweets, videos, images, etc. Hope to see you there as well! :) Here it is:
ZERNO: I am building an app - sign up to get early access!
SHARING IS CARING: If you find this newsletter helpful, please consider forwarding this email to to your friends! Or just give them this link:
Keep doing the opposite,
Alex Kallaway